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  • Writer's pictureAdil Afsar

Why Interior Design is serious Business !

Updated: Jun 7, 2021

Do you ever think what is shaping our behavior, mindset and attitude ? If we closely analyse and study a bit about what influence us, we will get to know that it is the context which we keep ourselves into. The context matters a lot in shaping our thinking, our ability to concentrate and altering our moods. when it comes to #interiordesign it is all about setting a context for ourselves with respect to our lifestyle.

Interior design as a profession is in great demand and seems very tempting for the young professionals to delve in and take the command. However, they hardly realize the depth and the responsibility of the designer to deliver a meaningful and quality lifestyle to their clients and not a collection of new materials well matched and arranged in a particular fashion. The huge bunch of wanna be design enthusiasts are hitting institutes and design schools in India every year to learn the nuances of design culture and join the industry as design professionals. but, hardly a handful of design schools are bale to justify in imparting quality education to design folks. They lack in infrastructure and good faculty to create designers well equipped with skills and in depth understanding about design as a whole.

To read about the missing element in Indian design schools refer to link for detail analysis -

Client hire interior Designer or an architect for a value addition to their home. They seek a design professional to deliver them value understanding their lifestyle and solving their problems.

All they seek is a collaboration of engineering and design well fused to solve problem and create an aesthetically pleasing context.

Interior Design is crafting each corner understanding the volume of the space with respect to the context to attain certain objectives extracted from the needs of the user. It has a huge impact on psychology and attitude of the user. Just sticking to the basic principles of design like shapes color and texture with respect to contrast, proportion and balance etc can alter the psychology of the user in great extent by releasing the mental stress and bringing positive energies to the space.

on the contrary it has been seen the profession has been shadowed by the various contractors and vendors on the basis of their experience in the industry. They hardly acquire any design skills or understanding of how design influences one's living. but they are quite prompt in coming up with various options from the internet. They acquire great smartness in the business associated with it in terms of execution and materials. As a result, the focus of the profession has been shifted from design to decoration and all a client gets is design which has been created in different context. All they get is a combination of different materials on the basis of aesthetics which looses its justification of application with respect to the role it shall play.

Thus, Its time for the interior designers / architects to understand the seriousness of the profession loosing its core slowly and steadily. To stand by the profession as a consultant by understanding the needs of the user and then delivering the design value to the projects well engineered in terms of materials. By justifying every material and design with respect to utility and not just playing in combination with colors and materials which any contractor can perform by delivering some expensive materials in trend.

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