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  • Writer's pictureAdil Afsar

" India " The land of stories

Updated: Sep 15, 2018

India, storytelling, cultural expression, diversity, dance and drama
India the land of story telling and cultural expression

Ever wonder why listening to some people for hours seems like a flash of a minute. while, listening to some for minutes seems like almost a day. Behind this notion of time lies a very important hidden treasure deep ridden inside the eloquence of the speaker which differentiates the behavior of their audiences from the intrigued to the squirming ones. Any lecture, #speech or any sort of monologue contains a very important ingredient which connects the viewers to the whole discourse. This ingredient is nothing but the presence of very small aspect in the whole speech which is the #story. The story plays a vital role in creating a sense of belonging ness in the audience with the topic.

India is a #landofstories. #storytelling is deep ridden part of ones culture here. It can be witnessed in any small festival and celebration as means of narration or depiction in the form of dance and drama. these forms have also been changed very interestingly due to different change in cultures and traditions the country have gone through with the invasion of land and dynasties. however, a conjunction of dialects and language along with amalgamation of different traditions can be witnessed in the culture of Indian diaspora.

As India is moving ahead and marching globally in the pace of development and fastest emerging economy, this culture of #storytelling has transformed quite drastically. Initially the story telling used to be the part of the family, where the eldest of the family use to narrate incidences of their times or lessons of mythology to their children and grand children. This narration on one hand help them to visualize the incidences narrated to them quite explicitly boosting their visualization skills from small. on the other hand it imbibes in them their cultural values, tradition and ethics and impart a sense of identity to the family as a whole. Even, all the performing arts originated from the depiction or narration of incidences or addressing social issues.

Today as the social media has taken over, this gathering among the family seems to be vanishing from the #Indianculture. The gathering happening among the families seems to be very much a part of bragging and show off culture. As the excitement of celebration has shifted from real time experience to virtual as on social network. Due to this, the nobility, quality and richness of dialects and traditional practice is now overshadowed by this virtual connectivity around the world. It is high time to understand that social media is a very strong tool to reach distances in no time but this is also quite significant to enjoy the stories among your family, creating many more and then spreading it to the rest of the world. Seeking modern advancements is quite essential but to understand where we have come from is a part of our identity and integrity. Thus, story telling is an innate quality but make sure to enrich it well before sharing it to the rest of the world. As, we are all stories at the end, and it shall be very well taken care of - that it is an inspiring one !

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